PU dispersant YRFC-13

YRFC-13 is faintly acid dispersant which has excellent powder dispersion and viscosity reduction effect. It is recommended to be used for PU sport flooring material containing castor oil, such as single part silicon PU materials with high powder content, two part runway materials, etc., without affecting the curing speed of materials.

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Product Name: Polyurethane Dispersant YRFC-13         



Colorless to yellowish clear liquid with slight odor, soluble in general polyurethane system. Typical physical property data are as follows:

Density g/cm3 (25℃):1.055 - 1.095

Chroma(Fe-Co): ≤4

Viscosity mPa.s (25℃): 800 ± 1100


Function and Application:

YRFC-13 is an efficient anti settling dispersant and viscosity reducing agent. Recommended for PU coating with high powder fillers. The characteristic groups contained in its structure can be dispersed and adsorbed on the surface of a large number of powder particles by adding a very small amount, which effectively reducs the adsorption between powder particles, so as to reduce the viscosity of the system, improve the leveling property, reduce scratches, and prevent the accumulation and hardening of powder fillers. The application characteristics of the product are as follows:

  • The effect of viscosity reduction is immediate. The experiment shows that for the medium viscosity system (the viscosity is about 10000mPa.s), the viscosity can be reduced by 70-80% if only 0.1-0.3% of the system powder is added; For some very high viscosity systems (the viscosity is about several hundred thousand centipoises), the viscosity can even be reduced to 1/10 - 1/20 of the blank sample.

  • Prevent settlement and hardening. The characteristic functional groups contained in the molecular structure of YRFC-13 can form links between fillers and organic matter, effectively preventing phenomena such as aggregation of filler particles and hardening at the bottom of the barrel.

  • Effectively reduce surface defects such as bubbling, bulging and depression.Significantly reduce the viscosity, improve the material fluidity, greatly improve the leveling during construction, reduce scratches, improve the wetness and filling of small holes on concave and convex substrates (such as cement foundation), and facilitate the timely discharge of air in the holes to reduce bubbles.

  • The applicable system is broader. YRFC-13 has a significant viscosity reduction effect on filler systems containing isocyanate prepolymer components, polyether polyols, polyester polyols, or vegetable oil polyols.

  • Reduce costs. Benefit from the excellent viscosity reduction effect, the amount of filler can be increased to a certain extent to reduce the overall cost.


User's Guide:

Add it into the filler components while stirring, and cut them properly for even dispersion without special temperature control. The recommended dosage is 0.1-0.5% of the powder filler.


Handling & Storage:

Product should be stored in a cool, dry environment away from sunlight, excessive heat and rain. And pay attention to airtight storage.


Package: 25kg/200kg in HDPE drum


Shelf Life:

The unopened shelf life is 24 months from the date of manufacture. After the shelf life. If the usability remains unchanged after comprehensive testing after the shelf life, it can still be used as qualified products.

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